EXP Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Calculates the exponential function. Syntax EXP( x) Remarks The EXP function returns e (the base of natural logarithms) to the power of x. The exponent x must be less than or equal to 88.02969 when you are using single-precision values and less than or equal to 709.782712893 when you are using double-precision values. If you use a value of x that isn't within those limits, BASIC generates the error message Overflow. EXP is calculated in single precision if x is an integer or single-precision value. If you use any other numeric data type, EXP is calculated in double precision. See Also LOG Example The following example uses the EXP function to calculate the growth of a bacterial colony over a 15-day period. The program prompts you for an initial population and the rate of growth. CLS ' Clear screen. INPUT "Initial bacterial population"; Colony0 INPUT "Growth rate per day as a percentage of population"; Rate R = Rate - 100 . Form$ = "## ###,###,###,###" PRINT . PRINT "Day Population" FOR T = 0 TO 15 STEP 5 PRINT USING Form$; T, Colony0 * EXP(R * T) NEXT Output Initial bacterial population? 10000 Growth rate per day as a percentage of population? 10 Day Population 0 10,000 5 16,487 10 27,183 15 44,817